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riding Chicago - Illinois

The show is over - lets start the show. A nice saying and used many times. This time the house show of our moto distributor ended successfully and the SP team including Brian, Rick and me headed towards Chicago. Our flights were booked for the next day and so we had to stay one night in the Windy City at lake Michigan - unfortunately ;-)

Approaching pretty late in the 3rd biggest city in the US we headed downtown for dinner and some drinks. The first time in this awesome metropole it was clear to visit the Hardrock Cafe and to do a ride. So said i organized a bike at a rental at the lake and did a more casual ride combined along the lake but also in deep city.

Normally i would circumnavigate the lake before checking out the city. This time though the lake was an ocean and a lake loop would have ment a ride of 879 miles which is 1414 km. Maybe i would have not reached my plane to do so. So i decided to do a bit a ride headng south to Whiting, fighting in riding back with headwinds. All over not that strong and it was a nice and warm, sunny day.

Coming back to Chicago on the bike path close to the water the beautiness of the city from the distance was touching my face and eyes. Big skyscrapers with nice architecture and grown over decades since the foundation in August 12, 1833 - exact 189 years old. 

Reaching the first buildings downtown the next stopp was at Navy Peer with its big wheel and a lot of bars and restaurants. I found my way riding the bike on a supply lane out to the end as riding on the pier is not allowed. turning back i had again a nice view on the skyline.

Now it was time to ride downtown touching again Hardrock Cafe, riding under the famous hightrain and rolling along Chicago River. The Wrigley Building, The Chicago Tribune building, Trump Tower, House of Blues, The Corn on the Cob Building, the Willis Tower (former Sears Tower and the highest buiding in town),  just to nema a few of the famous buildings. All over very impressive and worth a trip - and more over worth to ride a loop and enjoy this outstanding city.


bike: Cannondale

starring: Gerry Samer and the city

Melbourne Port Phillip.JPG

distance: 42,54 km
climbing: 104 m
time: 2:17:08 h

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