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Betty goes wild wildWest - Temecula

Having done the day before Mt. Baldy questioned to me if i do another longer ride to keep the pace or doing a recovery ride. It was a bit both but still landing over 100k.

This time i again took the car southside crossing Camp Pendelton to open an area of nice ride options. Main target tough was Temecula - place at the sun. Positioned in Riverside County Temecula - founded 1859 - was the home of the Luiseño-Indians entered already in 1997 by the Spanish and placre for several wars. I started in Bonsall though which is about half an hour from the coast. From there i took a quiet road to Fallbrook with a first little climb afterwards. A beautifu landscape and a little descent guided may way to De Luz from where i had to do the main climb of the day. 500 altitude with a family friendly percentage up to De Luz Ranchos. I did not see any bicycle rider but a lot of Harley groups also enjoing the "quiet" valley road. Compared to the day before it was a bit like holiday.

As i reached the top of the loop i had a nice downhill which ended in Temecula. Time for a break but also to discover the for me typical western town where you can feel the history of wild wild west. It was a bit you wanna fix your bike like a horse back in the old days. As half of the tour was done i prepared to do the other one which was a constant up and down reaching a valley with another climb to do.

It felt already like a long ride as after 2 weeks of training and last days tour gave its best to leave a memory in my legs. All in all it was a ride with a lot of animals next to the road. I guess once i saw a fox or even a lynx, an eagle looping over me at the last climb but also a snake on this uphill road which was the target for him. As wild the animals had been there the whole countryside seemed to be wild; but for sure wild in the past and for me in haveing this great experience.​

bike: pretty Betty, Specialized Tarmac S-Works
starring: Gerry Samer

Melbourne Port Phillip.JPG

distance: 112,61 km
climbing: 1.696 m
time: 4:40:07 h

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