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Roots of Rigoberto Uran Ride Medellin

Two big names out of Medellin: ex pro rider Rigoberto Uran and drug king Pablo Escobar - and both influenced also my pics on that day. This time i shared my ride with the Pesicolo cycling group. About 20 riders that Diego and I joined for a usual sunday ride in Colombia.

Dedicated roads are car free on sunday and half of Medellin is on the bike - at least it seemed to me. Leaving Medellin north side to Oriente, our first climb was onto Alto De La Virgen. After a little wait because of the split of the group we headed to Guarne already direction south having a break at the finish area of a road bike race next to the int airport Jose Maria Cordova close to Sajona.

From here Diego and I were riding alone going up to Alto De Las Palmas on 2.600 m. The Prize for that climb was the increadible outlook to Medellin in our descent back to the start. I never saw so many road bike riders elswhere in the world on one day riding.

rental bitch: Zerouno

Melbourne Port Phillip.JPG

distance: 85,23 km
climbing: 2.037 m
time: 3:40:17 h

rNP Video
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