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Riding B

September 20th, 2021

Sea Otter in Girona was the reason for this business trip surrounded by some customer visits. Time to check out Barcelona. I brought Betty with me this time as i had in plan to do another big ride for the Grand Tour Hattrick. Barcelona is one of the nicest cities in Europe but riding this city is one step more. After searching in Komoot i was choosing a nice loop towards the mountain for my first ride. A second one came up after work along the coast.

Already riding in traffic was fun using each hole that opens to be faster than the cars. Already inside the city it started to go uphill but pretty quick i was outside and on the top with a mastepiece view onto Barcelona. Reachin Vallvidrera i started the 1st loop going direction L Colonia Montserrat and back a nice uphill curvy road through Turo deén Serra. Reaching a second time Vallvidrera it again went up to the big transmission tower Torre de Collserola and Temple of the Scared Heart of Jesus. It´s worth to rest a while enjoying the outlook to Barcelona.

This was the start for loop 2 to Sant Cugat del Valles. Reaching the town also finished the 2nd mountain on that trip. One more to come and again climb on a nie forrest road hidden from traffic up tp Park del Laberint d´Horta - the last peak of the day. It already rained a bit at the temple but doing the last descent it was clear that i´m gonna be wet. A thunderstorm was over Barcelona and there was not really a chance to escape.

Doing still some little but steep climbs in town i finally arrived at the main attraction - La Sagrada Familia, the never ending cunstruction of a cathedral. The style of this church is not compareable to any other church in the world - and i think on a picture there will always be a crane.

bike: Pretty Betty Specialized Tarmac S-Works

starring: Gerry Samer

Barcelona Mountain.JPG
Riding B
distance: 68,25 km
climbing: 1.417 m
time: 3:12:51 h
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