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Victoria peak in Hongkong

Doing my asian tour visiting Honkong was as well on my list to visit our SP Gadgets distributor but also looking for alternatives for SP Connect and looking for a nice ride.

It was quite hard to find a bike but at the end i could get one a very little shop on Hongkong Island called Sky Blue. As i was staying on main land i needed to take a ferry boat and then walk abit to reach my target. The bike was named by the shop and good to go. It was quite hard to find my way out of the city and i was surrounded by a lot of skyscrapers - right like you know it from pictures.

My riding target was first to climb Victoria Peak to enjoy the nice view and the crossing the island to Shek O Beach. The climb itself was not that tricky but there was a lot of traffic which made me a little nervous as streets very tight and cars did not respect the side distance. Anyways the final climb was much better but also steeper and so i reached Victory Peak after a little while. Unfortunately the weather was quite foggy and so i could not see the full landscape of Hongkongs world of Scyscrapers.

After a curvy downhill i reached again the main road and had to deal - on the left side though - with a heavy friday afternoon traffic. After Victoria Peak it was a road up and down and going up was not very comfortable as i had felt 200 cars behind me not able to overtake as we had traffic in the other direction as well. So i decided to stopp within a climb to let them pass but also realized that i had almost no chance to get on the road again. So i needed to push in and block them again.

More and more distancing the city on Hongkong Island it got better and finally i could enjoy the last kilometers down to Shek O Beach. I must be crowdy on that little beach during summer time but it seemed to be a nice place as well. Going back i needed to take the same road but as time was passing also traffic was better.

Reaching back to the center it became again more tricky but now i was used already to the behavior of locals and made it back save - like Kingkong in Hongkong.

Melbourne Port Phillip.JPG

distance: 69,52 km
climbing: 3231 m
time: 3:22:13 h

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