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The Temple Ride in Thailand

First time in southeast asia and so thailand i got the opportunity to join a groupride offered by a company named Spiceroads. Well organised i got a pick up from the hotel to get to the starting point of our guided tour. It was a quite international ride as next to the local guy a japanese and an australian rider completed the span to europe with myself.

Little outside the center of bangkok we started, again on the wrong side - left, on a very straight forward road to the north. Our guide was very careful not make it too dangerous for us as traffic on some parts, especially in the beginning, was a lot. Reaching more towards Ayutthaya it became better and also nicer in terms of landscape.

Ayutthaya the former capitol of kingdom Siam was an important trading point from 1350-1767 and is located about 80 km north of Bangkok. Coming into the city center we found a lot of ruins of temples, palasts and statutes. Highlight was a quick walk into the main temple area. Luckily that day there was a historical holiday and a lot of people were there with traditional clothing - so my the picture joining couple, thanx.

Closing the loop around Ayutthaya we rode little, winding and with no traffic roads ending at our lunch stop next to river Chao Phraya. A nice Ride into the countryside of Thailand.

rental bitch: Trek Emonda S
starring: Gerry Samer

Melbourne Port Phillip.JPG

distance: 73,68 km
climbing: 296 m
time: 3:07:15 h

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