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Mumbai Namaste Ride with Gruppo Biciclete

Travelling to India was for me no expectation at all hearing many things already. But when you ask me what thought connects first i would say honking in traffic. My contact for the sales channel of bicycle for SP Connect products, Pankaj, did organize a bike for me

He himself, former indian Pro and starter at RAAM, joined to show me possibilities within this car and tutuk crowded city.

Meeting point was their shop and so i had to leave the hotel at 5.20am armed with light to ride the city highway, doing all "fly overs", to meet him there. We had to ride through the city towards Back Bay the beach area where we found many riders doing a 2,3k loop on and on. So we did joining some more riders with regular changes in front of the peloton. After i don´t know how many rounds we slowed down to finish as at 7.30am the approx 5-10 traffic lights were turned on to regulate the upcoming car traffic.

After a Starbucks coffee break we retuned to his shop and furtheron i had to go back to the hotel, but this time deep into the daily all day traffic jam - for sure on the highway; Tuktuk invasion included.

rental bitch: Look 566 incl name tag

starring: Pankaj Marlesha and Gruppo Biciclete Mumbai

Melbourne Port Phillip.JPG

distance: 78,71 km
climbing: 242 m
time: 2:52:42 h

rNP Video
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