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Mumbai Highway Fuga100

New day, new Tuktuks and new early start with meeting at the shop of my contact Pankaj. This time a training day on the highway. We met with some other guys to ride a main highway out of the city.

Still dark and already many cars we also had to cross an ongoing road construction. The not existing safety barriers made it difficult to see if you are on the open road or in deep fresh tarmac. Nevertheless we passed this little obstacle and moved on through a toll road station which was the real start for the time trial.

We were riding north east through Thane to Bhilwara until the next toll gate turning around after 50k. The ride was not really relaxing not meaning the speed of the group but more the heavy traffic with felt 367 trucks, 1855 cars, 5467 motorcycles and 1 mio tuktuks. Reaching back to the hotel i could feel the my throat a little rough from the hard traffic exhausts. At the end my first highway ride with some nice guys enjoying their bicycling together.

rental bitch: Look 566 incl name tag

starring: Pankaj Marlesha, Rajiv Tara, Anup Pawar, and more

Melbourne Port Phillip.JPG

distance: 116,03 km
climbing: 644 m
time: 3:46:40 h

rNP Video
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