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Swiss Triple

September 5th, 2021

Right after Eurobike in Friedrichshafen i started my European customer tour beginning in Switzerland. Doing my research to also touch the national Tour de Suisse i landed in the region of Andermatt in the Ursental. I stayed across Oberalppass and found out at my arrival that day the Alpenbrevett took place, a roadbike event with differnt courses and 3000 starters - now it was clear why a hotel was so difficult to get. Doing a little research online i found out that my planned tour is the silver level of the event, topping a gold and platin.

The next day after breakfast i went by car to Andermatt to have a coud but sunny start of my ride. Warming up was quite short as the tour added 3 passes without any real flat parts. The hard facts were clear: 3 mountains with Furka, Nufenen and the famous cobblestone Tremola on St Gotthard, 3 times a climb of approx 1000m, 3 times over 2000m sea level, 3 so called Kantons with Uri, Wallis and Tessin and at the end 3 Bernhadiner on top of St. Gotthard.

Approaching the base of Furka 2.429m looking at several switch backs made clear that this day will be a hard one but luckily the climb was already from early morning in the sun so the temperatures were ideal. Not a lot of riders did a tour this day as most of them made the event the day before but still some others were on the road as well. Reaching the top of Furka opens a beautiful landscape to touch after a small downhill the Rhone Glacier. Unfortunately also here the climate change with disappearing glaciers is defenitely visible. On the descente i had a nice view to the switch backs of Grimselpass which is a nice alternative for future rides.

After a quite long downhill i rode into Obergesteln to take a left and start #2 - Nufenen 2478m. Was Furka with an average perscentage of 7,4 a more old school pass with Nufenen i needed to climb a more new age one. Due to the fact that in a more modern world cars can go steeper uphills the result was a 8,6% average on number 2 of the day. With 13k it was also quite long and the first part looked like never ending into a valley. The 2nd part again with hairpins brought me to the top and the first time to say to myself that after Nufenen it would be ok to stop the ride.

Again the prize was a nice ride down and i did forget about the climb after seconds. Reaching Ariolo made clear that still 1 pass needs to be done - St Gotthard 2107m. With Tremola St Gotthard is one of the nicest climbs in the Alps and combined with the cobble stones a proove that here we have a historical pass but still with 7% on average. Even i did eat and drink a lot the start was pretty difficult for me and i wished to be already on top. But the longer the uphill took the more it went better again and so i could enjoy the gorgeous road winding up surrounded by beautiful high mountains.

Reaching the top made it clear that i did it. From now just downhill until Andermatt. A coffee and a cake at the end sitting in the sun in a nice cafe in the center made it clear to m ethen - this was one of the most difficult tours.

bike: Pretty Betty Specialized Tarmac S-Works

starring: Gerry Samer

Swiss triple
distance: 109,70 km
climbing: 3.258 m
time: 5:41:03 h
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