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Mauritius - warmUp

In a quite warm European winter where we as well did not have access to our appartment in Altenmarkt/Zauchensee, we decided to leave winter and jump into summer. So we booked a trip to Mauritius - the small island in the indian ocean. As summer holidays is for me also riding my bike, betty needed to go with us and did so.

After a 11 hour flight and checking into our hotel, betty was ready quite quick and a test ride was a must. Already after a few k´s the typical sugarcane fields showed up - one of the key incomes of Mauritius. In the middle of the island the first mountain - the so called "swiss mountain" coming from the similar shape like the Matterhorn. So here the first impressions...

bike: Pretty Betty Specialized Tarmac S-Works

starring: Gerry Samer

Melbourne Port Phillip.JPG

distance: 28,80 km
climbing: 316 m
time: 1:10:31 h

rNP Video
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