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le Morne - the veryWest

The general plan was to ride all outside points of the island reg cardinal points. First stopp was le Morne 556m, a big rock-mountain in the very west and on the same side where our hotel was situated - we even saw le Morne from our beach.

This impressive mountain is (on) a small pininsula and has a tragic history as well. When the brits took over the island from the french in 1810 slaves fleed onto the mountain to escape their slavery held by the french. When the british troups won they also freed the slaves and sent soldiers to le Morne to tell them. As the slaves thought they are coming to arrest them, they jumped off the Rock into their death - a monumental at the bottom still commemorate them.

The first longer ride on the island was also a test how road conditions are and how mauritius people drive. But all was good and i even saw some other riders enjoying the beautiful landscape. A nice mix of mountains to the left and the indian ocean on the right with it´s beautiful reefs surrounding the island.

bike: Pretty Betty Specialized Tarmac S-Works

starring: Gerry Samer

Melbourne Port Phillip.JPG

distance: 77,04 km
climbing: 640 m
time: 2:36:22 h

rNP Video
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