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Dessert Ride in Dubai

There are rides which are good to have and you´ve seen but without a real reason you will not do anymore. The city of Dubai was at that time not really bicycle friendly. There are some paths you can go but on the road i guess it is not healthy and you hardly survive.

Therefore the government is investing in bike paths and constant they will incrase the net to over 1000 km. When i was doing my ride 3 routes were offered - the longest of them closed. So i took the one with almost 70k and had on the first straight (30k) strong headwind. Powerbars were not necessary as i did eat a lot of sand. Temperatures at that time, before summer with 50° and more arrived - were ok with 35°.If you expect a lot landscape then you are wrong there. There is landscape - sand; eventhough i had a highlight with a springbok crossing my way 15 meters ahead of me. An experience you should not miss with dry facts and seen on 70k: other riders: 5, springboks: 1, mountain passes: 0, turns: 6

rental bitch: Trek Emonda
starring: Gerry Samer

Melbourne Port Phillip.JPG

distance: 68,12 km
climbing: 545 m
time: 2:28:48 h

rNP Video
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